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Department of Child Adolescent and Maternal Health

Ma Le

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Ma Le

Ph.D., doctoral thesis advisor, associate professor of school of public health.

Research interests

Main research interests include nutrition epidemiology and mechanism of nutrients’ effect on human vision.

Education and research experience

2011 Peking University Ph.D. degree in nutrition and food sanitation

2008 Peking University M.S. degree in nutrition and food sanitation

2006 Peking University B.S. degree in preventive medicine

Research accomplishments

Dr Ma is the principle investigator of 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China funded projects, Special Funding of Chinese Postdoctoral Fellowship, fist class funding of Chinese Postdoctoral Fellowship, Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, Young Science Star Project of Shaanxi Province, Academic Newcomer Funding for Doctoral Students from Ministry of Education and Basic Research Funding for Universities.

Ma has published 70 academic articles including 30 SCI articles, 18 papers in JCR first region and 4 articles entered fist 10% in JCR listing. One article was included in ESI database as highly-cited paper and 2 articles were indexed by Faculty of 1000 and were cited by work published in JAMA and JAMA Inter Med. He was also the editor of 3 textbooks and honored by 5 provincial or ministerial awards. He has mentored students who entered National Basic Medicine Creativity Forum and Experimental Design and were awarded 1stand 3rdprize.



Address:Third floor of Public Health and Forensic Science Building, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Last:Wang Weiqing​

Copyright:School of Public Health, Health Science Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University Address: No.76, Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
Zip Code:710061 Tel:029-82655101 029-82655135