孙晓敏, 硕博毕业于日本早稻田大学,现为西安交通大学公共卫生学院及全球健康研究院副教授。兼任中国营养学会肥胖防控分会委员、运动营养分会委员,中国营养学会会员第六期营养领导才能培训班学员,中华预防医学会体育运动与健康分会委员,中国医体整合联盟特聘专家。曾入选日本早稻田大学全球卓越计划(Global Center of Excellence)和全球顶级大学计划(Top Global University Project),任项目助理研究员。
研究领域为人群健康相关行为生活方式监测、评估及个性化干预等;主持多项基金项目,包括国家自然科学,中国博士后基金等。近五年以第一作者在发表SCI论文20余篇,包括Lancet Reg Health West Pac(封面文章)、Obesity(封面文章)、J Clin Endocr Metab、Endocrine等杂志。
邮箱:gzhtxiaomin@xjtu.edu.cn ;gzhtxiaomin@163.com
3.中央高校基本科研业务费,维生素D摄取对胰岛素抵抗患者骨骼肌脂质蓄积及利用能力的影响,xjj2018148, 2018年-2020年,15万元,结题,主持
SCI 论文发表列表
1. Sun X*, Yon D* , Nguyen T, Tanisawa K, Son K, Zhang L, Shu J, Peng W, Yang Y, Branca F, Wahlqvist M, Lim H, Wang Y. Dietary and other lifestyle factors and their influence on noncommunicable diseases in the Western Pacific region. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2023;43:100842.
2. Sun X*, Yan T*, Li Z, Zhou S, Peng W, Cui W, Xu J, Cao ZB, Shi L, Wang Y. Effects of Endurance Exercise and Vitamin D Supplementation on Insulin Resistance and Plasma Lipidome in Middle-Aged Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Nutrients. 2023;15(13):3027.
3. Yan T, Liu T*, Shi L, Yan L, Li Z, Zhang X, Dai X, Sun X#, Yang X#. Integration of microbial metabolomics and microbiomics uncovers a novel mechanism underlying the antidiabetic property of stachyose. J Funct Foods. 2023 (102): 105457.
4. Sun X*, Xiao W*, Li Z, Zhou S, Dong M, Huang C, Ma Y, Gou B. Does vitamin D supplementation improve bone health, body composition and physical performance beyond endurance exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes: A secondary analysis of randomized controlled trial. Front Physiol. 2022, 13:1003572.
5. Sun X, Chen Y, Shu J, Li Z, Yu D, Peng W, Yan AF, Wang Y, Shi Z. The Association between Methionine Intake and Diabetes in Chinese Adults-Results from the China Health and Nutrition Survey. Nutrients. 2022;15(1).
6. Sun X*, Yan AF*, Shi Z, Zhao B, Yan N, Li K, Gao L, Xue H, Peng W, Cheskin LJ, Wang Y. Health consequences of obesity and projected future obesity health burden in China. Obesity. 2022;30(9):1724-1751.
7. Sun X*, Shi Z*, Li Y, Xin B, Li X, Wang Y. U-shaped association between dietary calcium density intake during adolescence and hypertension in adulthood: a 20-year longitudinal nationwide study in China. Br J Nutr. 2022;127(11):1723-1730.
8. Sun X, Tanisawa K, Zhang Y, Ito T, Oshima S, Higuchi M, Cao ZB. Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Healthy Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Nutr Metab. 2019;75(4):231-237.
9. Sun X, Cao ZB, Tanisawa K, Taniguchi H , Kubo T, Higuchi M, Effects of chronic endurance exercise training on serum 25(OH)D concentrations in elderly Japanese men. Endocrine. 2018;59(2):330-337.
10. Sun X, Cao ZB, Taniguchi H, Tanisawa K, Higuchi M, Effect of an acute bout of endurance exercise on serum 25(OH)D concentrations in young adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102 (11):3937-3944.