在2017年9月24至27日“‘一带一路’全球健康国际研讨会暨2017中华预防医学会全球卫生分会学术年会” 召开之际,世界华人青年营养学者发展促进会(International Chinese Nutrition Young Scholar Network, ICNYSN)与西安交通大学全球健康研究院(Xi'an Jiaotong University Global Health Institute, GHI), 西安交通大学公共卫生学院(Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Public Health, SPH),陕西省营养学会(Shaanxi Nutrition Society, SNS),和亚太临床营养学会(Asia-Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society, APCNS)拟共同举办首届西安国际营养与健康论坛,本次论坛也是“一带一路”全球健康国际研讨会的分论坛之一,活动包括“西安国际营养与健康专家论坛”、 “ICNYSN营养青年学者论坛”和“ICNYSN营养线下沙龙”。其中,ICNYSN欲在线下沙龙现场,正式启动“环球营养学家NET演讲平台”(Global NET Talk Platform),这将作为NET Talk的首届演讲沙龙,暨ICNYSN第二次线下沙龙活动。首届NET Talk主题为:“畅响西安 营养中国”。
Liang Wang 王亮 East Tennessee State University, USA
Ruijuan Zhang 张瑞娟 Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Nutrition and Health-Expert Forum
September 26 Tuesday 1:30pm-3:30pm
Meeting room: International Conference Hall D (3rd Floor)
3楼 第三国际会议3D厅
Liang Wang 王亮 East Tennessee State University, USA
Ruijuan Zhang 张瑞娟 Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
13:30-13:35 |
Introduction by chairs |
13:35-13:55 |
Building healthy living culture and environment for all & by all Wen-Harn Pan 潘文涵 Academia Sinica Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China |
13:55-14:15 |
Paradigm shift: Prevention and treatment of NCDs in the technology era Lawrence J. Cheskin Johns Hopkins University, USA |
14:15-14:35 |
Eating habits in European children and adolescents Luis Moreno Aznar Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain |
14:35-14:55 |
Chinese residents’ nutrition health status and intervention strategies Gangqiang Ding 丁钢强 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China |
14:55-15:15 |
Is carbohydrate the culprit for higher incidence of metabolic diseases in China? Duo Li 李铎 Qingdao University, China |
15:15-15:30 |
Q&A Panel discussion |
Nutrition and Health-Young Scholar Forum
September 26 Tuesday 3:45pm-5:45pm
Meeting room: International Conference Hall D (3rd Floor)
3楼 第三国际会议3D厅
Lichen Yang 杨丽琛Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China
Ming Qu 曲明 Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, USA
15:45-15:50 |
Introduction by chairs |
15:50-16:00 |
Combating global obesity epidemic through innovative systems science, big data approach cross-country comparative research Xue Hong 薛宏 Virginia Commonwealth University, USA |
16:00-16:10 |
Chronic Non-communicable Diseases among Refugees in the U.S.: A Growing Concern Wudeneh Mulugeta Harvard Medical School, USA |
16:10-16:20 |
Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in obesity research and a case study based on a large US nationally representative cohort study of school children Peng Jia 贾鹏 University of Twente, Netherlands |
16:20-16:30 |
The relation of dietary glycemic index glycemic load to glucose homeostasis: gene-diet interaction analysis of adults without diabetes in Southwest China Guo Cheng 成果 Sichuan University, China |
16:30-16:40 |
Biomarker of long-chain n-3 fatty acid breast cancer: accumulative evidence an updated systematic review meta-analysis of epidemiological studies Bo Yang 杨波 Wenzhou Medical University, China |
16:40-16:50 |
Functional Agriculture: An innovative approach to solve the hidden-hungry problems Zhangmin Wang 王张民 University of Science and Technology of China, China |
16:50-17:00 |
The long-term effect of maternal micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy on the intellectual development of adolescents: A 15-year follow-up evaluation based on a randomized controlled trial in rural western China Zhonghai Zhu 朱中海 Xi’an Jiaotong University, China |
17:00-17:10 |
Higher densities of fast food and full service restaurants are not associated with obesity prevalence Mohsen Mazidi, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
17:10-17:30 |
Q&A Panel discussion |
17:30-17:45 |
Young Scholar Forum Award ceremony & Group picture |
ICNYSN Nutrition Salon
September 26 Tuesday 7:30pm-9:30pm
Meeting room: International Conference Hall D (3rd Floor)
3楼 第三国际会议3D厅
Yuyang Zhang 张羽扬 Shaanxi Television, China
Xiaowei Zhang 张晓伟 Hebei General Hospital, China
19:30-19:45 |
Introduction by hosts |
19:45-20:00 |
How to successfully apply for National Natural Science Foundation of China Min Xia 夏敏 Sun Yat-sen University, China |
20:00-20:15 |
Public health surveillance: nutrition, physical activity, and obesity and other behavioral risk factors in the U.S. Qu Ming 曲明 Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, USA |
20:15-20:30 |
Development of sport and medicine: now and future Jianjun Guo 郭建军 China Institute of Sports Science, China |
20:30-20:45 |
How to operate nutrition brand Xufeng Wang 王旭峰 The Capital Health Nutrition and Food Society, China |
20:45-21:00 |
Chinese nutritionists’ career development in USA Fan Hong 洪帆 North American Nutri-Sciences Health Consulting Corp, Canada |
21:00-21:15 |
Molecular cellular mechanism of importance of early nutrition on neurodevelopment and cognition Bing Wang 王冰 Charles Sturt University, Australia |
21:15-21:25 |
Q&A Panel discussion |
21:25-21:30 |
ICNYSN 2016-2017 Award Ceremony & Group picture |