在西安交通大学“海外一流学者讲学计划”的资助下,我院于2018年春季开设《Modern statistical methods for observational and interventional studies》课程,英国利物浦热带病学院Duolao Wang教授授课。课程将于2018年5月下旬开课,为期3周,共计48学时,该课程适合选修的专业:Health statistics, epidemiology, public health, health administration, health policy, and clinical medicine。由于名额有限,报名从速。
l 联系人:裴磊磊(流行病与卫生统计系)
l E-mail: peileilei424@163.com
l 报名时请提供姓名、学号、专业、所属院系等。
l 报名截止日期:2018年3月31日
l Design of observational studies
l Design of interventional studies
l Published standard for study design and reporting
l Modern statistical methods for observational and interventional studies
l Statistical analysis of observational studies
l Statistical analysis of interventional studies
l Statistical reporting of observational studies
l Statistical reporting of interventional studies
三、Duolao Wang教授简介
l 生物统计教授(Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool)
l 生物统计组主任(Head of Biostatistics Unit)
l 热带病临床研究中心副主任(Deputy Head of Tropical Clinical Trials Unit)
l Lancet 杂志评审专家、BMJ Open Heart 统计副编辑
l 英国皇家统计学会会员、国际临床统计学会会员
l 主持的部分研究课题
1. UNITAID 2016-2020. Dolutegravir in Pregnant HIV mothers and Neonates - DoIPHINE2 Study.
2. UK MRC 2015-2020. Menstrual cups and unconditional cash transfer to reduce sexual and reproductive harm and school drop-out in adolescent schoolgirls in western Kenya.
3. Johnson & Johnson 2014-2018. Independent statistician. COMMANDER trial to evaluate Xarelto® (rivaroxaban) 2.5 mg twice daily in patients with chronic heart failure.
4. Biosensors 2013-2015. Independent statistician. A prospective randomized comparison of the biofreedom biolimus A9TM drug coated stent versus the gazelle™ bare metal stent in patients at high risk for bleeding.
5.Oxford University 2010-2016. Trial statistician. Reducing Post-prandial Glycaemia with Acarbose can Reduce Cardiovascular-related Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Established Coronary Heart Disease (ACE Trial).
版权所有:西安交通大学医学部公共卫生学院 地址:陕西省西安市雁塔西路76号 邮编:710061 联系电话:029-82655101 029-82655135 Email:sph_xjtu@163.com