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发布时间:2017-02-27 08:56:55  浏览次数: 次  来源:本站

王溪 西安交通大学医学部 公共卫生学院 副教授/博导

联系方式:地址: 西安市雁塔西路76号,西安交通大学医学部公共卫生学院 E-mail: wn18andlife@xjtu.edu.cn


202010月至今:西安交通大学医学院公共卫生学院 副教授

20198-20208月:英国利物浦大学 助理研究员

201610-202010月:西安交通大学公共卫生学院 讲师




1. 膳食营养与肠道菌群在环境与基因相关疾病发病机制中的作用;

2. 微量元素在生物地球化学性疾病发生中的作用机制;

3. 环境与基因相关疾病临床诊断、病因发病机制与防治研究;

4. 环境与基因相关疾病病因发病机制研究;

5. 生物地球化学性疾病动物模型建立与应用。




发表SCI论文64篇,其中第一(共同一作)/通讯作者SCI论文30篇,单篇最高IF=13.352,第一/通讯作者SCI累计IF =140.18,发表在Environmental InternationalArthritis Research & TherapyCell Death & DiseaseExperimental Cell ResearchScandinavian Journal of Rheumatology等本领域权威期刊上。获2017年陕西省科学技术奖二等奖。陕西省保健协会地方病专业委员会常务委员兼副秘书长。参加国际、国内学术会议5次,其中在2017年中华预防医学会全球卫生分会学术年会进行分会场报告,获得2016年中韩国际硒元素研讨会优秀大会报告一次。参与编写中英文论著4部,其中副主编1部。


1. Wang X, Ning Y, Li C, Gong Y, Huang R, Hu M, Poulet B, Xu K, Zhao G, Zhou R, Lammi MJ, Guo X. Alterations in the gut microbiota and metabolite profiles of patients with Kashin-Beck disease, an endemic osteoarthritis in China. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Oct 28;12(11):1015.

2. Wang X, Ning Y, Zhang P, Poulet B, Huang R, Gong Y, Hu M, Li C, Zhou R, Lammi MJ, Guo X. Comparison of the major cell populations among osteoarthritis, Kashin-Beck disease and healthy chondrocytes by single-cell RNA-seq analysis. Cell Death Dis. 2021 May 27;12(6):551.

3. Wang X, Wu Y, Liu Y, Chen F, Chen S, Zhang F, Li S, Wang C, Gong Y, Huang R, Hu M, Ning Y, Zhao H, Guo X. Altered gut microbiome profile in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Front Microbiol. 2023 May 12;14:1153424.

4. Wu Y, Gong Y, Liu Y, Chen F, Chen S, Zhang F, Wang C, Li S, Hu M, Huang R, Guo X, Wang X*, Ning Y, Yang L. Comparative Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Chondrocytes from Rats Exposed to Low Selenium and T-2 Toxin. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2023 Jun 16. doi: 10.1007/s12011-023-03725-w. Online ahead of print.

5. Ning Y, Hu M, Chen S, Zhang F, Yang X, Zhang Q, Gong Y, Huang R, Liu Y, Chen F, Pei L, Guo X, Kang L, Wang X, Zhang Y, Wang X*. Investigation of selenium nutritional status and dietary pattern among children in Kashin-Beck disease endemic areas in Shaanxi Province, China using duplicate portion sampling method. Environ Int. 2022 Jun;164:107255.

6. Ning Y, Hu M, Gong Y, Huang R, Xu K, Chen S, Zhang F, Liu Y, Chen F, Chang Y, Zhao G, Li C, Zhou R, Lammi MJ, Guo X, Wang X*. Comparative analysis of the gut microbiota composition between knee osteoarthritis and Kashin-Beck disease in Northwest China. Arthritis Res Ther. 2022 May 30;24(1):129.

7. Ning Y, Chen S, Zhang F, Liu Y, Chen F, Li S, Wang C, Wu Y, Gong Y, Hu M, Huang R, Guo X, Yang L, Wang X*. The alteration of urinary metabolomics profiles in Kashin-Beck disease in a three consecutive year study. Mol Omics. 2023 Feb 20;19(2):137-149.

8. Gong Y, Wu Y, Liu Y, Chen S, Zhang F, Chen F, Wang C, Li S, Hu M, Huang R, Xu K, Wang X*, Yang L, Ning Y, Li C, Zhou R, Guo X. Detection of selenoprotein transcriptome in chondrocytes of patients with Kashin-Beck disease. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023 Feb 17;11:1083904.

9. Ning Y, Hu M, Diao J, Gong Y, Huang R, Chen S, Zhang F, Liu Y, Chen F, Zhang P, Zhao G, Chang Y, Xu K, Zhou R, Li C, Zhang F, Lammi M, Wang X*, Guo X. Genetic Variants and Protein Alterations of Selenium- and T-2 Toxin-Responsive Genes Are Associated With Chondrocytic Damage in Endemic Osteoarthropathy. Front Genet. 2022 Jan 11;12:773534.

10. Wang X, Ning Y, Zhang P, Li C, Zhou R, Guo X. Hair multi-bioelement profile of Kashin-Beck disease in the endemic regions of China. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2019 Jul;54:79-97.

11. Wang X, Ning Y, Zhang P, Yang L, Li C, Zhou R, Guo X. Biological Analysis of Gene Expression and Clinical Variables Suggest FZD1 as a Novel Biomarker for Patients with Kashin-Beck Disease, an Endemic Osteoarthritis in China. Dis Markers. 2019 Jan 3;2019:3736198.

12. Wang X, Ning Y, Liu A, Qi X, Liu M, Zhang P, Guo X. The systematic review and meta-analysis of X-ray detective rate of Kashin-Beck disease from 1992 to 2016. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Feb 14;20(1):78.

13. Wang X, Zhang P, Ning Y, Yang L, Yu F, Guo X. Serum and Hair Zinc Levels in Patients with Endemic Osteochondropathy in China: A Meta-analysis. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2018 Feb;181(2):227-233.

14.Wang X, Ning Y, Zhou B, Yang L, Wang Y, Guo X. Integrated bioinformatics analysis of the osteoarthritis‑associated microRNA expression signature. Mol Med Rep. 2018 Jan;17(1):1833-1838.

15. Wang X, Ning Y, Yang L, Yu F, Guo X. Zinc: The Other Suspected Environmental Factor in Kashin-Beck Disease in Addition to Selenium. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2017 Oct;179(2):178-184.

16. Wang X, Ning Y, Zhang P, Yang L, Wang Y, Guo X. Chondrocytes damage induced by T-2 toxin via Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is involved in the pathogenesis of an endemic osteochondropathy, Kashin-Beck disease. Exp Cell Res. 2017 Dec 1;361(1):141-148.

17. Wang X, Ning Y, Yang L, Liu H, Wu C, Wang S, Guo X. Diagnostic value of circulating microRNAs for osteosarcoma in Asian populations: a meta-analysis. Clin Exp Med. 2017 May;17(2):175-183.

18. Wang X, Ning Y, Tan W, Yu H, Li Z, Guo X. Population-based comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes between Kashin-Beck disease grades I and II. Scand J Rheumatol. 2016;45(3):230-5.

19. Wang X, Ning Y, Zhang F, Yu F, Tan W, Lei Y, Wu C, Zheng J, Wang S, Yu H, Li Z, Lammi MJ, Guo X. Gene expression signature in endemic osteoarthritis by microarray analysis. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 May 19;16(5):11465-81.

20. Wang X, Ning Y, Guo X. Integrative meta-analysis of differentially expressed genes in osteoarthritis using microarray technology. Mol Med Rep. 2015 Sep;12(3):3439-3445.

21. Wang X, Wang S, He S, Zhang F, Tan W, Lei Y, Yu H, Li Z, Ning Y, Xiang Y, Guo X. Comparing gene expression profiles of Kashin-Beck and Keshan diseases occurring within the same endemic areas of China. Sci China Life Sci. 2013 Sep;56(9):797-803.



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