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发布时间:2015-06-26 15:58:27  浏览次数: 次  来源:本站

吴谦 西安交通大学医学部 公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系,副教授,硕士生导师                        






医学博士:流行病学与卫生统计,西安交通大学医学院  毕业时间    2010


医学硕士:流行病与卫生统计学,西安交通大学医学院  毕业时间    2004


学士:预防医学,西安医科大学  毕业时间     1998


乙肝疫苗的弱无应答研究                                                   2005     国家自然科学基金

镇安县流动人群艾滋病预防健康教育                                  2006     全球基金艾滋病防治项目

以中学生为核心的艾滋病预防干预研究                              2007     省级科技攻关项目

乙肝疫苗接种20年后远期效果及免疫记忆追踪对比观察     2009     国家自然科学基金

富硒地区甲状腺疾病患病研究                                            2015     省自然科学基金

富硒地区甲状腺疾病调查                                                   2016     横向课题

陕西省基本公共卫生服务项目优化研究                              2017     省卫计委科研基金




1. Huairong Zhang,Xiaowen Hu, Qian Wu, and  Bingyin Shi.Impact of diabetes on bleeding events in ST-elevation myocardial  infarction patients after urgent percutaneous coronary intervention.Medicine  (Baltimore). 2016 Aug; 95(33): e4470.

2. The doses of 10 μg should replace the doses of 5 μg in newborn hepatitis B vaccination in China: A  cost-effectiveness analysis.Vaccine. 2015;33(31):3731-8.

3. Qian Wu, Margaret P. R, Hongjun Lv, Lutz  Schomburg, Bo Cui, Chuqi Gao, Pu Chen, Guihua Zhuang, Zhenan Zhang, Xiaogang  Peng, Hua Li, Yang Zhao, Xiaohong He, Gaoyuan Zeng, Fei Qin, Peng Hou, and  Bingyin Shi.Low Population Selenium Status Is Associated With Increased  Prevalence of Thyroid Disease.J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2015, 100(11):4037–4047.

4. Qian Wu, XF Xue, DP. Shah, J Zhao, LY Hwang, GH Zhuang. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding occupational HIV exposure  and protection among healthcare workers in China – Census Survey in A Rural  Area. Journal of the International Association of Providers  of AIDS Care.

5. Wu Qian, Zu Jian,  Wei Xiaoli, You Lijuan, Kou Lingling, Li Hengxin, Zhuang Guihua. Survey of  hepatitis B infection and vaccination status among drug users in Xi’an,2013.  Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine.2014,48(10):862-866.

6. Guihua Zhuang,  Min Zhang, Yong Liu, Yaling Guo, Qian Wu, Kaina Zhou, Zhenhao Ji and Xiaomei  Zhang. Significant impairment of health-related quality of life in mainland  Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B: a cross-sectional survey with  pair-matched healthy controls. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2014,12,101-109.

7. Kai-Na Zhou, Min Zhang, Qian Wu, Zhen-Hao Ji, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Gui-Hua,  Zhuang Psychometrics of chronic liver disease questionnaire in Chinese  chronic hepatitis B patients. World J Gastroenterol 2013; 19(22): 3494-3501.

8. K. Zhou, M. Zhang,Qian Wu, Z. Ji, X. Zhang  and G. ZhuangReliability, validity and sensitivity of the Chinese (simple)  Short Form 36 Health Survey version 2 (SF-36v2) in patients with chronic  hepatitis B. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2013;20(4):e47-55.

9. Qian Wu, Gui-Hua  Zhuang, Xue-Liang Wang, Li-Rong Wang, Na Li, Min Zhang. Antibody levels and  immune memory 23 years after primary plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccination:  results of a randomized placebo-controlled trial cohort from China where  endemicity is high. Vaccine 2011, 29(12):2302-7.

10. Qian Wu,Gui-hua  Zhuang, Xue-liang Wang, Tie-jun Hou, Dimpy P.  Shah, Xiao-li Wei, Li-rong Wang and Min  Zhang. Comparison of long-term immunogenicity (23 y) of 10 μg  and 20 μg doses of hepatitis B vaccine in healthy children. Human Vaccines  & Immunotherapeutics ,2012(SCI IF3.57).



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