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2022.12-至今,   西安交通大学附属西北妇女儿童医院 科教部副主任

2021.01-2023.01, 复旦大学附属儿科医院 临床医学(儿科学) 博士后; 导师:孙波

2017.09-2022.12, 西安交通大学附属西北妇女儿童医院 助理研究员/副主任医师

2011.09-2017.09, 西安交通大学 流行病与卫生统计学(硕博连读),博士; 导师:颜虹

2006.09-2011.07, 安徽医科大学 卫生事业管理 学士




[1] 西安市科学技术局,西安市创新能力强基计划-医学研究项目,22YXYJ0095,基于出生人口队列的孕期铁营养代谢与先天性心脏病的关系研究,2022-10至2024-09,3万元,在研,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,82103924,基于出生人口队列的先天性心脏病动态风险预测模型研究,2022-01至2024-12,30万元,在研,主持;

[3] 陕西省科学技术厅,陕西省重点研发计划一般项目-社会发展领域,2020SF-031,基于出生人口队列的孕期铁营养代谢及铁剂增补与出生缺陷的关系研究,2020-01至2021-12,10万元,已结题,主持;

[4] 西安交通大学,中央高校基本科研业务费专项科研项目,xzy012019116,基于出生人口队列的高龄及辅助生殖技术对婴儿生长发育影响的研究,2019-01至2021-12,15万元,已结题,主持;

[5] 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划-生殖健康及重大出生缺陷防控研究重点专项,2016YFC1000100,建立出生人口队列开展重大出生缺陷风险研究,2017-04至2021-12,6600万元,已结题,参与,项目骨干;

[6] 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划精准医学研究重点专项,2017YFC0907200,西北区域自然人群队列研究,2017/07-2020/12,1734万元,已结题,参与,项目骨干;

[7] 陕西省科学技术厅,陕西省重点研发计划重点项目-社会发展领域,2021ZDLSF02-14,陕西省出生缺陷危险因素筛查及防治技术的研究-基于中国西部纵向母子队列,2021-01至2023-12,130万元,在研,参与,项目骨干;

[8] 陕西省科学技术厅,陕西省重点研发计划重点项目-社会发展领域,2022ZDLSF02-11,围生期胎儿和新生儿脑损伤危险因素筛查及防治体系构建,2022-01至2024-12,200万元,在研,参与,第二负责人;


[1] Doudou Zhao, Mingxin Yan, Leqian Guo, Danmeng Liu, Ruo Zhang, Hong Yan, Pengfei Qu*, Shaonong Dang*. Cooking stoves and risk of congenital heart disease in Northwest China: A case-control study. Science of the Total Environment. 2022. 816:151564.

[2] Mingxin Yan, Doudou Zhao, Shaonong Dang, Ruo Zhang, Xinyu Duan, Peixi Rong, Yusong Dang, Leilei Pei *, Pengfei Qu *, The Association of Folic Acid, Iron Nutrition during Pregnancy and Congenital Heart Disease in Northwestern China:A Matched Case-Control Study. Nutrients. 2022, 14(21):4541.

[3] Pengfei Qu, Doudou Zhao, Mingxin Yan , Danmeng Liu, Leilei Pei, Lingxia Zeng, Hong Yan, Shaonong Dang*. Risk Assessment for Birth Defects in Offspring of Chinese Pregnant Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.19(14):8584. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19148584.

[4] Pengfei Qu, Lijuan Chen, Doudou Zhao, Wenhao Shi*, Juanzi Shi*. Nomogram for the cumulative live birth in women undergoing the first IVF cycle: Base on 26, 689 patients in China. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2022. 13:900829. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.900829.

[5] Pengfei Qu, Miyang Luo, Yang Wu, Fan Zhang, Heleen Vos, Xinqian Gu, Yang Mi, Xiaoqin Luo, Peng Jia. Association between neighborhood aesthetics and childhood obesity; Obesity Review; 2021. 22(S1):e13079.

[6] Pengfei Qu, Mingxin Yan, Doudou Zhao, Dongyang Wang, Shaonong Dang, Wenhao Shi,Juanzi Shi, Chunli Zhang. Association Between Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Miscarriage in an Assisted Reproductive Technology Population: A 10-Year Cohort Study; Frontiers in Endocrinology; 2021. 12:646162.

[7] Pengfei Qu, Doudou Zhao, Yang Mi, Shaonong Dang, Juanzi Shi*, Wenhao Shi*. Association between pre-pregnancy BMI and neonatal weight outcomes in twin pregnancies resulting from assisted reproductive technology: a 10-year cohort study; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 2021. 75(10):1465-1474.

[8] Pengfei Qu, Doudou Zhao, Peng Jia, Shaonong Dang, Wenhao Shi*, Min Wang, Juanzi Shi. Changes in Mental Health of Women Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak in Xi'an, China; Frontiers in Public Health; 2021. 9:645421.

[9] Pengfei Qu, Yang Mi, Doudou Zhao, Min Wang, Shaonong Dang, Wenhao Shi and Juanzi Shi. Effect of the Interaction Between Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index and Fresh/Frozen Embryo Transfer on Perinatal Outcomes of Assisted Reproductive Technology-Conceived Singletons: A Retrospective Cohort Study; Frontiers in Endocrinology; 2020. 11:560103.

[10] Pengfei Qu, Fangfang Liu, Doudou Zhao, Yongbo Wang, Min Wang, Linyu Wang, Shaonong Dang, Duolao Wang, Juanzi Shi1*, Wenhao Shi*. A propensity-matched study of the association between pre-pregnancy maternal underweight and perinatal outcomes of singletons conceived through assisted reproductive technology; Reproductive BioMedicine Online; 2019. 39(4):674-684.

[11] Pengfei Qu, Shanshan L, Danmeng Liu, Fangliang Lei, Lingxia Zeng, Duolao Wang, Hong Yan, Wenhao Shi,Juanzi Shi, Shaonong Dang. A propensity-matched study of the association between optimal folic acid supplementation and birth defects in Shaanxi province, Northwestern China; Scientific Reports; 2019. 9(1): 5271.

[12] Liu X, Qu P*, Bai H, Shi W*, Shi J*. Endometrial thickness as a predictor of ectopic pregnancy in 1125 in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles: a matched case-control study. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2019. 300(6):1797-1803.

[13] Peng-Fei Qu, Ya Zhang, Jia-Mei Li, Ruo Zhang, Jiao-Mei Yang, Fang-Liang Lei, Shan-Shan Li, Dan-Meng Liu, Shao-Nong Dang*, Hong Yan. Complementary feeding patterns among ethnic groups in rural western China; Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology); 2018. 19(1):71-78.

[14] Pengfei Qu, Baibing Mi, Duolao Wang, Ruo Zhang, Jiaomei Yang, Danmeng Liu, Shaonong Dang*, Hong Yan. Association between the Infant and Child Feeding Index (ICFI) and nutritional status of 6- to 35-month-old children in rural western China; PloS One; 2017. 12(2):e0171984.

[15] Pengfei Qu, Ting Wang, Fang Liu, Shaonong Dang, Lengxia Zeng, Hong Yan. Breast-feeding patterns of ethnic groups in rural western China; Public Health Nutrition; 2015. 18(18):3386-3393.


1. 2022年度陕西省科学技术一等奖《不孕不育精准化诊治关键技术创新与临床应用》(排8)。

2. 2022年度陕西省创新人才攀登工程“青年科技新星”








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