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发布时间:2015-06-26 15:57:19  浏览次数: 次  来源:本站

刘鑫 ,副教授,博士生导师

西安交通大学医学部 公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系















2016.09-2017.08,英国牛津大学纳菲尔德人口健康系China Kadoorie Biobank研究组,访问学者


Nutrition & Metabolism (Springer Nature, IF=4.6)杂志副主编

Nutrients(IF=6.7) 客座编辑(主持专刊:Effects of Grain Consumption on Human Metabolome and Cardiometabolic Health https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients/special_issues/I8G1W0D32Q

中国营养学会基础营养学分会 常务委员

中国营养学会营养与组学技术分会 委员

中华预防医学会行为健康分会 委员

陕西省营养学会 理事



代表性论文 (Google H-index 15)

1.Liu X, Bragg F, Yang L, KartsonakiC, Guo, Du, H, Bian Z, Chen Y; Yu C, Lv J, Wang K, Zhang H, Chen J, Clarke R, Collins R, Peto R, Li L, Chen Z, The China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group. Smoking and smoking cessation in relation to risk of diabetes in Chinese men and women: a 9-year prospective study of 0.5 million people. Lancet Public Health, 2018, Apr 3 (4), e167-e176, IF=72.427

2.Lai H, Li Y, He Y, Chen F, Mi B, Li J, Xie J, Ma G, Yang J, Xu K, Liao X, Yin Y, Liang J, Kong L, Wang X, Li Z, Shen Y, Dang S, Zhang L, Wu Q, Zeng L, Shi L, Zhang X*, Tian T*, Liu X*. Effects of dietary fibers or probiotics on functional constipation symptoms and roles of gut microbiota: a double-blinded randomized placebo trial. Gut Microbes, 2023 Jan-Dec;15(1):2197837. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2023.2197837. IF=9.4

3.Liu X, Lu L, Yao P, Ma Y, Wang F, Jin Q, Ye X, Hu F, Sun L, Lin X. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein, obesity status, and incidence of metabolic syndrome: a prospective study among middle-aged and older Chinese. Diabetologia. 2014 Sep;57(9):1834-41. IF= 10.46

4.Liu X*, Wu D, Qi X, Niu Y, Li W, Lu Y, Chang J. The associations between carbohydrate and protein intakes with habitual sleep duration among adults living in urban and rural areas. Clinical Nutrition. 2018 Oct;37(5):1631-1637. IF=7.643

5.He Y, Xu K, Li Y, Chang H, Liao X, Yu H, Tian T, Li C, Shen Y, Wu Q, Liu X*, Shi L. Metabolomic changes upon conjugated linoleic acid supplementation and predictions of body composition responsiveness. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Aug 18;107(9):2606-2615. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgac367. PMID: 35704027. IF=6.134

6.Xu K, Zhang B, Liu Y, Mi B, Wang Y, Shen Y, Shi G, Dang S, Liu X*, Yan H. Staple Food Preference and Obesity Phenotypes: The Regional Ethnic Cohort Study in Northwest China[J]. Nutrients, 2022, 14(24): 5243. IF=6.706

7.Liu X*, Lai H, Mi B, Qi X, Gan W, Du, H. Associations of Coarse Grain Intake with Undiagnosed Hypertension among Chinese Adults: Results from the China Kadoorie Biobank. Nutrients 2020, 12(12), 3814; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12123814. IF=6.706

8.Li S, Mi B, Qu P, Liu D, Lei F, Wang D, Zeng L, Kang Y, Shen Y, Zhu Z, Yan H, Liu X*, Dang S. Association of antenatal vitamin B complex supplementation with neonatal vitamin B12 status: evidence from a cluster randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Nutrition. 2020 Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print]. IF=4.865

9.Xu, K, Shi, L, Zhang, B, Mi, B, Yang, J, Sun, X, Liao X, Dai X, Zeng L, Liu X*, Yan, H*. Distinct metabolite profiles of adiposity indices and their relationships with habitual diet in young adults. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2021.03.025  E-published ahead of print. IF=4.666

10.Chang H, Gan W, Liao X, Wei J, Lu M, Chen H, Wang S, Ma Y, Wu Q, Yu Y*, Liu X*. Conjugated linoleic acid supplements preserve muscle in high-body-fat adults: a double-blind, randomized, placebo trial. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases.2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2020.05.029 E-published ahead of print. IF=4.666

11.Liu X*, Shi L, Dai X*, Chen H, Zhang C, Wang P, Wu Q, Zeng L, Yan H, Plasma metabolites mediate the association of coarse grain intake with blood pressure in hypertension –free adults. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 2020 Aug;30(9):1512-19. IF=4.666

12.Liu, X*, Chang, H, Lu, M, Chen, H, Wei, J, Liao, X. Take-away milk tea intake was associated with cholesterol independent of adiposity in young adults. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2020, 79(OCE2). IF=6.391

13.Liu X*, Gan W, Gao C, Qi X, Liao X, Lin J, Zhao Y. The independent associations of protein consumption with body fat and glycaemic control in adult Chinese. European Journal of Nutrition. 2018 Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print]. IF=4.865

14.Liu X*, Liao X, Gan W, Ding X, Gao B, Wang H, Zhao X, Liu 5, Feng L, Abdulkadil W, Li Y. Inverse relationship between coarse food grain intake and blood pressure among young Chinese adults. American Journal of Hypertension. 2019 Mar 16; 32(4):402-40833. IF=3.08

15.Liu X, Sun Q, Sun L, Liu G, Zong G, Lu L, Rosner B, Ye X, Li H, Lin X. The development and validation of new equations for estimating body fat percentage among Chinese men and women. British Journal of Nutrition. 2015 May;113(9):1365-72. IF=4.125

16.Liu X, Zhang G, Ye X, Li H, Chen X, Tang L, Feng Y, Shai I, Stampfer M, Hu F, Lin X. Effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on weight loss and cardiometabolic profile in Chinese women: a randomized controlled feeding trial. British Journal of Nutrition. 2013, (110), 1444-1453. IF=4.125

17.Liu X*, Zhao Y, Dang S, Li Q, Yan H. Equation-derived body fat percentage indicates metabolic abnormalities among normalweight adults in a rural Chinese population. American Journal of Human Biology. 2017 Jul 8;29(4). IF= 2.947







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