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Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Shen Mingwang

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Mingwang Shen, Male, Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Associate Professor

Tel: 029-82655108


Address: No.76, Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710061, P.R. China


2011.09-2017.12 Xi’an Jiaotong University, PhD, Applied Mathematics; Supervisor: Yanni Xiao.

2007.09-2011.07 Henan Normal University, Bachelor, Computational Mathematics.


2015.08-2017.08 The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Integrative Biology, Visiting scholar, Epidemiology; Supervisor: Lauren Ancel Meyers.

2018.01-2019.10 Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Post-doctor; Supervisor: Guihua Zhuang.

2019.11-Now Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Associate Professor.

Research interest:

Theoretical epidemiology, Mathematical biology, AI in medicine, including mathematical modeling of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, influenza, measles, and cost-effectiveness analysis of cancer screening, Non-communicable diseases, etc.


2016.04 “Xu zongben Applied mathematics Award” (First prize)

Projects (leading):

1. National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaResearch on the multi-level coupled model to control the emergence and transmission of drug resistant HIVGrant number: 118014352019-2021,¥250,000.

2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant (First-class grant)Mathematical modeling on the evolution of influenza virus at the within-host level and its spread at the between-host levelGrant number: 2018M6311342018-2020,¥80,000.

3. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Dynamic modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis of endoscopic screening strategies for gastric cancer, Grant number: xjh0120190552019-2021,¥150,000.

4. Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi ProvinceCost-effectiveness analysis of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in Shaanxi Province, Grant number: 2019JQ-187, 2019-2020, 30,000.

International Conference:

1. “Early antiretroviral therapy and potent second-line drugs could decrease the transmission of drug resistance”,“Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS)”conference, 22-24th May, 2017, Atlanta, USA (Poster-presentation).

2. “The cost-effectiveness of oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and early antiretroviral treatment in the presence of drug resistance among men who have sex with men in San Francisco”, 6th International Conference on Mathematical Biology, 23-25th June, 2018, Beijing, China (Oral-presentation).

3. “Conflict and accord of optimal treatment strategies for HIV infection within and between hosts”, 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD5), 19-24th May, 2019, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA (Oral-presentation).

Publications (peer-reviewed):

I have published 13 papers (SCI) as the first author on reputable journals, including BMC Medicine, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Vaccine, etc.


1. Mingwang Shen#, Jian Zu#, Christopher K. Fairley, José A. Pagán, Bart Ferket, Bian Liu, Stella S. Yi, Earle Chambers, Guoqiang Li, Yuming Guo, Libin Rong, Yanni Xiao, Guihua Zhuang, Alexis Zebrowski, Brendan G. Carr, Yan Li*, Lei Zhang*. Effects of New York’s executive order on face mask use on COVID-19 infections and mortality: A modeling study. Journal of Urban Health. 2021,

2. Mingwang Shen#, Jian Zu, Christopher K. Fairley, José A. Pagán, Li An, Zhanwei Du, Yuming Guo, Libin Rong, Yanni Xiao, Guihua Zhuang, Yan Li*, Lei Zhang*. Projected COVID-19 epidemic in the United States in the context of the effectiveness of a potential vaccine and implications for social distancing and face mask use. Vaccine. 2021,

3. Wenjun Wang#, Mingwang Shen#, Yusha Tao, Christopher K Fairley, Jason J Ong, Hui Chen, Qin Zhong, Zongren Li, Kai Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Feifei Yang, Sibing Zhang, Lei Zhang*, Kunlun He*. Elevated glucose level leads to rapid COVID-19 progression and high fatality. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2021, 21:64.

4. Shi Zhao*, Mingwang Shen, Salihu S. Musa, Zihao Guo, Jinjun Ran*, Zhihang Peng, Yu Zhao, Marc K. C. Chong, Daihai He*, Maggie H. Wang. Inferencing superspreading potential using zero-truncated negative binomial model: exemplification with COVID-19. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2021, 21:30.

5. Miaolei Li, Jian Zu#, Mingwang Shen, Guihua Zhuang, Siyuan Chen, Fuzhen Wang, Hui Zheng, Guomin Zhang#. Evaluating the independent influence of sexual transmission on HBV infection in China: a modeling study. BMC Public Health. 2021, 21:388.

6. Lu Bai#, Haonan Lu#, Hailin Hu, M. Kumi Smith, Katherine Harripersaud, Veronika Lipkova, Yujin Wen, Xiuyan Guo, Wei Peng, Chenwei Liu, Mingwang Shen, Alfred Chixiong Shen, Lei Zhang*. Evaluation of work resumption strategies after COVID-19 reopening in the Chinese city of Shenzhen: a mathematical modeling study. Public Health. 2021, in press.


7. Mingwang Shen#, Zhihang Peng#, Yanni Xiao*, Guihua Zhuang*, Lei Zhang*. Modelling the epidemic trend of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in China. The Innovation. 2020, 1(3):100048.

8. Mingwang Shen#, Zhihang Peng#, Yuming Guo, Libin Rong, Yan Li, Yanni Xiao*, Guihua Zhuang*, Lei Zhang*. Assessing the effects of metropolitan-wide quarantine on the spread of COVID-19 in public space and households. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020, 96:503-505.

9. Mingwang Shen, Ruyi Xia, Zheng Luo, Hongmei Zeng, Wenqiang Wei, Guihua Zhuang*, Lei Zhang*, Wanqing Chen*. The long-term population impact of endoscopic screening programmes on disease burdens of gastric cancer in China: a mathematical modelling study.  Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2020, 484:109996.

10. Ruina Liu#, Yuexi Gu#, Mingwang Shen#, Huan Li, Kai Zhang, Qi Wang, Xin Wei, Haohui Zhang, Di Wu, Kai Yu, Wumin Cai, Gongji Wang, Siruo Zhang, Qinru Sun*, Ping Huang* Zhenyuan Wang*. Predicting postmortem interval based on microbial community sequences and machine learning algorithms. Environmental Microbiology. 2020, 22(6): 2273-2291.

11. Siyu Liu, Mingwang Shen, Yingjie Bi*. Global asymptotic behavior for mixed vaccination strategy in a delayed epidemic model with interim-immune. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 2020, 7(4):3601-3617.

12. Lei Zhang*, Mingwang Shen, Xiaomeng Ma, Shu Su, Jing Wang, Yusha Tao, Zhuoru Zou, Rui Zhao, Joseph Lau, Wenfeng Gong, Wei Li, Feng Liu, Kai Ye, Youfa Wang, Guihua Zhuang*, Christopher Fairley. What is required to prevent a second major outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 upon lifting quarantine in Wuhan City, China. The Innovation. 2020, 1(1):100006.

13. Lei Zhang*, Yusha Tao, Mingwang Shen, Christopher Fairley, Yuming Guo*. Can self-imposed prevention measures mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic? PLOS Medicine. 2020, 17(7):e1003240.

14. Lei Zhang*, Yusha Tao, Jing Wang, Jason J Ong, Weiming Tang, Maosheng Zou, Lu Bai, Miao Ding, Mingwang Shen, Guihua Zhuang*, Christopher Fairley. Early characteristics of the COVID-19 outbreak predict the subsequent epidemic scope. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020, 97:219-224.

15. Jian Zu*, Miaolei Li, Zongfang Li, Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao, Fanpu Ji*. Transmission patterns of COVID-19 in the mainland of China and the efficacy of different control strategies: a data- and model-driven study. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2020, 9:83.

16. Xiaodan Sun#, Wenmin Yang#, Sanyi Tang, Mingwang Shen, Tianyang Wang, Qiuying Zhu, Zhiyong Shen, Shuai Tang, Huanhuan Chen, Yuhua Ruan*, Yanni Xiao*. Declining trend in HIV new infections in Guangxi, China: insights from linking reported HIV/AIDS cases with CD4-at-diagnosis data. BMC Public Health. 2020, 20:919.

17. Shu Su, Christopher K Fairley, Limin Mao, Nicholas Medland, Mingwang Shen, Yan Li, Guihua Zhuang, Lei Zhang*. Estimation of the impact of changing drug-use trend on HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis epidemics among people who use synthetic drug-only, polydrug and heroin-only during 2005-2035 in China: modelling study. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2020,1-7.

18. Xianglong Xu, Eric P F Chow, Jason J Ong, Christian J P A Hoebe, Deborah Williamson, Mingwang Shen, Fabian Yuh Shiong Kong, Jane S Hocking, Christopher K Fairley, Lei Zhang*. Modelling the contribution that different sexual practices involving the oropharynx and saliva have on Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections at multiple anatomical sites in men who have sex with men. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2020,1-7.

19. Jinli Liu, Zhen-Hu Ren, Hua Qiang, Jine Wu, Mingwang Shen, Lei Zhang*, Jun Lyu*. Trends in the incidence of diabetes mellitus: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 and implications for diabetes mellitus prevention. BMC Public Health. 2020, 20:1415.


20. Ruyi Xia, Shuliu Sun, Mingwang Shen, Lei Zhang, Guihua Zhuang*. Targeted hepatitis E vaccination for women of childbearing age is cost-effective in China. Vaccine. 2019, 37(39): 5868-5876.

21. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Libin Rong, Guihua Zhuang. Global dynamics and cost-effectiveness analysis of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and structured treatment interruptions based on a multi-scale model. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2019, 75:162-200.

22. Xia Wang, Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao, Libin Rong*. Optimal control and cost-effectiveness analysis of a Zika virus infection model with comprehensive interventions.  Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2019, 359:165-185.

23. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Libin Rong, Lauren Ancel Meyers. Conflict and accord of optimal treatment strategies for HIV infection within and between hosts. Mathematical Biosciences. 2019, 309:107-117.

24. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Libin Rong, Lauren Ancel Meyers, Steven E. Bellan. The cost-effectiveness of oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and early antiretroviral treatment in the presence of drug resistance among men who have sex with men in San Francisco. BMC Medicine. 2018, 16:58.

25. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Libin Rong, Lauren Ancel Meyers, Steven E. Bellan. Early antiretroviral therapy and potent second-line drugs could decrease HIV incidence of drug resistance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2017, 284(1857): 20170525.

26. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*. Global stability of a multi-group SVEIR epidemiological model with the vaccination age and infection age. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 2016, 144(1):137-157.

27. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Libin Rong, Modeling the effect of comprehensive interventions on Ebola virus transmission. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5:15818.

28. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Libin Rong. Global stability of an infection-age structured HIV-1 model linking within-host and between-host dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences. 2015, 263:37-50.

29. Mingwang Shen, Yanni Xiao*, Weike Zhou, Zhen Li. Global dynamics and applications of an epidemiological model for hepatitis C virus transmission in China. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2015, Article ID 543029, 13 pages.

30. RA Cheke*, M-G Basáñez, M Perry, MT White, R Garms, E Obuobie, PHL Lamberton, S Young, MY Osei-Atweneboana, J Intsiful, Mingwang Shen, DA Boakye, MD Wilson. Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2015, 370: 20130559.

Last:Yang Jiaomei

Next:Zhang Tianxiao

Copyright:School of Public Health, Health Science Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University Address: No.76, Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
Zip Code:710061 Tel:029-82655101 029-82655135