Mi, Baibing, Assistant Research Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Research Interests
Epidemiologic study and nutritional interventions in the field of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD).
Maternal and child malnutrition: assessment, causes, changes, health consequences, and prevention and control.
Exploration and application of advanced statistics methods such as longitude data analysis in observational and interventional studies.
Education and Work Experience
2018.12-Present Xi’an Jiaotong University Post-Doctoral fellow
2017.10-2018.10 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Visiting Scholar
2012.09-2018.12 Xi’an Jiaotong University PhD
2007.09-2012.07 Xi’an Jiaotong University MBBS
Teaching, Research and Publications
Dr. Mi has published 52 articles (30 SCI) in international and national famous journals including Journal of Hypertension, BMJ Open Diabetes & Research Care, Chinese Journal of Epidemiology and Chinese Journal of Health Statistics. Among these articles, six as the first author. He has been a reviewer of academic journals such as Scientific Report, Plos One, BMC Public Health, BMC Health and ChildHealth.
At present, he has been granted by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, the Natural Science Basic Research Plan of the Shaanxi Province and other domestic and foreign fundings.
He also guided to complete undergraduate graduate design, undergraduate preventive medicine practice, a number of open experiments and innovative entrepreneurship projects. As an advisor to guide students of innovative entrepreneurship project "medical research vertical electronic data collection, management and analysis cloud platform and its applications" won the 31st "Ascendas Cup" special prize.
He has participated in several research projects funded Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, China medical Board and Chinese Nutrition Society.
Contact Information
E-mail: xjtu.mi@xjtu.edu.cn
Tel: (86)-029-82655104
Address: No.76,Yanta West Road,Xi’an,Shaanxi Province,710061,People’s Republic of China
Zip code: 710061