Xiong Yongmin
Xi’an Medical University, B.S, Medicine, 1982
Xi’an Jiaotong University, M.S, Epidemiology and Health Statistics, 2003
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Ph.D. Pharmacology, 2010
Queen’s University Belfast, UK, Visiting Scholar, 1998
The University of Texas at San Antonio.USA, Visiting Scholar, 2007
lDirector of the Institute of Endemic Diseases, Xi’an Jiaotong University
lVice director of the Key Laboratory of Trace Element and Endemic Diseases ofNational Health and Family Planning Commission of China(Xi’an Jiaotong University).
lCommittee member of Society of Endemic Diseases of Chinese Medical Association
lEvaluation expert of National Natural Science Foundation
lEvaluation expert of science and technology awards of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
lChairman of Trace Elements Branch in Shaanxi Province Medical Association
lMember of Shaanxi Province Medical Association
lMemberof the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Association in Shaanxi Province
lMemberof Preventive Medicine Association of Shaanxi Province
In recent years, I am responsible for the three projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and three Shaanxi provincial projects, and participated in several research projects of national science and technology support plan, and international cooperation. I have publishedmore than 100articles including some papers in SCI Journals and co-edited two books, and respectively obtained Award of ‘Klaus Schwarz’ by International Association of Bioinorganic Chemists, and several science and technology progress awards by Shaanxi province or health ministry of China.
RESEARCH FIELD:1. Gene–environment interactions in the molecular mechanism ofosteoarthritis. 2. Cell signal transduction and regulation.
EMAIL: xiongym@mail.xjtu.edu.cn