贾雨萌 西安交通大学医学部公共卫生学院,地方病研究所,副教授
1. 大骨节病病因、发病机制与防治研究
2. 真菌毒素代谢与减毒干预机制
2023.07-至今 西安交通大学,公共卫生学院,副教授
2019.09-2023.06 西安交通大学,公共卫生学院,助理教授
2016.09-2019.06 中国药科大学,药理学,博士
2015.10-2016.04 澳门大学,中华医药研究员,研究助理
2009.09-2015.06 中国药科大学,生命科学与技术人才培养基地班,本硕连读
主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和中央高校基本科研业务费项目,作为项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划“常见多发病防治研究”重点专项,参与多项国家及省部级项目。共发表科研论文70余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表于Bone、British Journal of Pharmacology、Bone & Joint Research和Drug Metabolism & Disposition等国际知名期刊。被美国药理学与试验治疗学学会(ASPET)旗下的Drug Metabolism & Disposition遴选为该刊物Highlighted Trainee Author荣誉获得者。担任国家卫健委环境与地方性疾病重点实验室秘书,陕西省保健协会地方病专业委员会委员和陕西省医学会微量元素分会委员。发表的部分文章如下:
[1] Jia Y, Shi S, Cheng B, Cheng S, Liu L, Meng P, Yang X, Chu X, Wen Y, Zhang F#, Guo X#. Fluorine impairs carboxylesterase 1-mediated hydrolysis of T-2 toxin and increases its chondrocyte toxicity. Front Nutr. 2022;9:935112.
[2] Jia Y, Qi X, Ma M, Cheng S, Cheng B, Liang C, Guo X, Zhang F#. Integrating genome-wide association study with regulatory SNP annotations identified novel candidate genes for osteoporosis. Bone Joint Res. 2023;12(2):147-154.
[3] Jia Y, Zhou H, Tai T, Gu T, Ji J, Mi Q, Huang B, Li Y, Zhu T, Xie H#. Enhanced responsiveness of platelets to vicagrel in IL-10-deficient mice through STAT3-dependent up-regulation of the hydrolase arylacetamide deacetylase in the intestine. Br J Pharmacol. 2019;176(11):1717-1727.
[4] Jia Y, Zhu T, Zhou H, Ji J, Tai T, Xie H#. Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 3 Is Responsible for the Efflux Transport of Curcumin Glucuronide from Hepatocytes to the Blood. Drug Metab Dispos. 2020;48(10):966-971.
[5] Jia Y, Ge P, Zhou H, Ji J, Tai T, Gu T, Zhu T, Li Y, Mi Q, Huang B, Xie H#. Vicagrel enhances aspirin-induced inhibition of both platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in rodents due to its decreased metabolic inactivation. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019;115:108906.
[6]Jia Y, Gu T, Ji J, Tai T, Zhang M, Huang B, Zhou H, Mi Q, Xie H#. Aspirin Attenuates the Bioactivation of and Platelet Response to Vicagrel in Mice. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2018;72(5):252-258.
[7] Jia Y*, Cheng S*, Liu L, Cheng B, Liang C, Ye J, Chu X, Yao Y, Wen Y, Kafle OP, Zhang F#. Association between birth by caesarian section and anxiety, self-harm: a gene-environment interaction study using UK Biobank data. BMC Psychiatry. 2023;23(1):237.
[8]Jia Y*, Cheng S*, Liu L, Cheng B, Liang C, Ye J, Chu X, Yao Y, Wen Y, Kafle OP, Zhang F#. Evaluating the Genetic Effects of Gut Microbiota on the Development of Neuroticism and General Happiness: A Polygenic Score Analysis and Interaction Study Using UK Biobank Data. Genes (Basel). 2023;14(1):156.
[9]Yang X, Ye J, Cheng B, Cheng S, Liu L, Meng P, Liang C, Yao Y, Wen Y, Zhang Z, Li C, Zhang H, Chen Y, Zhang J, Pan C, Jia Y#, Zhang F#. Evaluating the associations of adult heel BMD with birth weight and growth parameters at age 10 in UK Biobank cohort. Bone. 2021;152:116038.
[10] Cheng B, Jia Y#, Wen Y, Hou W, Xu K, Liang C, Cheng S, Liu L, Chu X, Ye J, Yao Y, Zhang F#, Xu P#. Integrative Analysis of MicroRNA and mRNA Sequencing Data Identifies Novel Candidate Genes and Pathways for Developmental Dysplasia of Hip. Cartilage. 2021;13(2_suppl):1618S-1626S.
[11] Yao Y*, Jia Y*, Wen Y, Cheng B, Cheng S, Liu L, Yang X, Meng P, Chen Y, Li C, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Pan C, Zhang H, Wu C, Wang X, Ning Y, Wang S, Zhang F#. Genome-Wide Association Study and Genetic Correlation Scan Provide Insights into Its Genetic Architecture of Sleep Health Score in the UK Biobank Cohort. Nat Sci Sleep. 2022;14:1-12.
[12]Qi X*, Jia Y*, Pan C*, Li C, Wen Y, Hao J, Liu L, Cheng B, Cheng S, Yao Y, Zhang F#. Index of multiple deprivation contributed to common psychiatric disorders: A systematic review and comprehensive analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2022;140:104806.